the LIST

Do I know you? One man's attempt at a lifelong head count. 

NOTE: If you think I might have a photo of you—most likely at least one great photo of you—don't be afraid to ask me to post it ( along with a brief entry about how I know you. And if I've met or known you but don't have any photo evidence, feel free to send along YOUR favorite photo of you. (I'm fascinated by what that slideshow might look like.)


24. jill eppich dewey

Santa Barbara, CA. Holding baby Jack-o. 2002

Santa Barbara, CA. Holding baby Jack-o. 2002

Of my 6 sisters, Jill is the only one who I grew up living with. Her dad married our mom not long after he got back from Vietnam when I was about 7. And for the next 10 years or so he occasionally made my life miserable. Best thing he ever did was help create a human being like Jill—and he doesn't even know it. Some of the best times of my life were spent at Jill's house in Temecula. I'd just come off of 2 years of paid wanderlusting and a mystical, magical 8-month stretch of living on an organic farm/B&B on an island near Vancouver. My intention was to prepare for a teaching gig in Asia with a 3-month stay with Jill. Instead, I stayed about 3 years largely because I loved hanging out with Jill and her family so much.